Here are our services...

  1. Access to the coffee shop

    We have a wide variety of drinks and deserts

    Hot drinks Cool drinks Deserts
    Latte Ice tea Muffins
    Vanilla latte Ice americano Cream cheese bagel
    Caramel latte Orange juice Cinnamon roll
    Moccha latte Lemondade Apple roll
    Espresso Smoothie Cake
    Macchiato Chocolate eclair
    Cappuccino Lemon pie
    Hot americano
    Honey coffee
    Hot cocoa
  2. Access to the library

    We have different copies of books


    • Adventure
    • Science fiction
    • Fairy tales
    • Gothic
    • Crime
    • Paranormal
    • Fantastic
    • Anime
    • Comic
    • Cartoon
  3. Reserve your own table

    By reserving your own table in advance you can enjoy on your own or in the company of friends. Extra bonus with your reservation, Coffee Chill will give you a drink and desert of your choice.

  4. Rent any book

    You can rent any book you want, by giving us your personal credential as member of Coffee Chill.If not, the amount corresponding to the rent will be paid. The validity period is 2 weeks. In case of not returning the book after this time. the corresponding fine will have to be paid.

  5. Buy merchandise

    In addition to good food and good reading, we also offer the possibility of buying merchandise

    • T-shirts and hoodies
    • Books and comics
    • Mangas and dolls
  6. Enjoy events

    This last service that we are mentioning, is one that gives us great joy to share with you. We will offer different events every 3 months for your fun. Later, we will announce on our website the corresponding theme for each and one of them.